视频:【藍草課堂】提琴:Jacie Sites - Using Bow Pressure
TAGS: 提琴,藍草課堂,bluegrass,Fiddle,violin,JS
视频介绍: Jacie Sites - Free Fiddle Lesson- Using Bow Pressure Master Teacher and Champion Fiddler Jacie Sites teaches you the fundamentals of great fiddle bowing. These easy, step by step videos will get you sounding great in no time at all. Watch, play along then try in your pieces. Check out Jacie's new project www.learntofiddle.com To purchase Grand Master Fiddle Champion, Jacie Sites' CDs and Books visit http://www.sitesviolin.com http://www.sitesviolin.com offers a wide array of pdf instant download books and multiple playing levels. Jacie Sites is the 2012 Grand Master Fiddle Champion and a previous National Twin Fiddling Champion and Fanciest Fiddler. Her students have won every youth division at the National Fiddle Contest as well as the Grand Master Fiddler Championships, Idaho State Championships and Northwest Regional Championships.
视频介绍: Jacie Sites - Free Fiddle Lesson- Using Bow Pressure Master Teacher and Champion Fiddler Jacie Sites teaches you the fundamentals of great fiddle bowing. These easy, step by step videos will get you sounding great in no time at all. Watch, play along then try in your pieces. Check out Jacie's new project www.learntofiddle.com To purchase Grand Master Fiddle Champion, Jacie Sites' CDs and Books visit http://www.sitesviolin.com http://www.sitesviolin.com offers a wide array of pdf instant download books and multiple playing levels. Jacie Sites is the 2012 Grand Master Fiddle Champion and a previous National Twin Fiddling Champion and Fanciest Fiddler. Her students have won every youth division at the National Fiddle Contest as well as the Grand Master Fiddler Championships, Idaho State Championships and Northwest Regional Championships.

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