视频:【提琴課堂】電大提:Greg Byers - Electro-Acoustic演奏之未來
TAGS: 提琴課堂,電大提琴,Electric,Cello
视频介绍: Electric Cellist Greg Byers- The Future of Electro-Acoustic Performance from the 2013 CSW http://christianhowes.com Greg Byers gives a presentation on incorporating technology into performance at Christian Howes' 2013 Creative Strings Workshop. Creative Strings Academy: http://creativestrings.christianhowes... Giveaways: http://tinyurl.com/l63grlz
视频介绍: Electric Cellist Greg Byers- The Future of Electro-Acoustic Performance from the 2013 CSW http://christianhowes.com Greg Byers gives a presentation on incorporating technology into performance at Christian Howes' 2013 Creative Strings Workshop. Creative Strings Academy: http://creativestrings.christianhowes... Giveaways: http://tinyurl.com/l63grlz

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