视频:10.三重奏《落水天幻想曲》单簧管、小提琴与钢琴三重奏——作曲:任达敏 演奏者:小提琴方恒,单簧
TAGS: 任达敏,方恒,李媛媛,聂晶
视频介绍: 该作品由三个对比主题构成,其中两个慢板抒情主题的旋律分别取材于两首广东民歌——《落水天》和《落雨大》,前者流行于广东客家方言地区,后者广泛流行于广州。另一个对比性的、充满动力的5/8拍快板主题充满了现代气息。该三重奏以这三个主题为基础,采用了自由变奏和主题对比发展的手法,而且巧妙地把传统作曲技法、现代作曲技法和爵士乐手法相结合,从而打造出一种独特的现代音乐风格。 演奏者:小提琴方恒,单簧管李媛媛,钢琴聂晶 Fantasia on the Tune of Rainy Day Trio for Clarinet, Violin & Piano The work consists of three contrasting themes, two slow ones are folksongs in Guangdong, A Rainy Day prevailed in Hakka area, and Heavy Rain prevailed in Guangzhou. The other theme with 5/8 meter is full of energy and modern tinge. The trio is based on the tree themes and uses devices of free variation and thematic contrast and development, skillfully combining techniques of tradition, modern and jazz so as to forge a unique modern music style.
视频介绍: 该作品由三个对比主题构成,其中两个慢板抒情主题的旋律分别取材于两首广东民歌——《落水天》和《落雨大》,前者流行于广东客家方言地区,后者广泛流行于广州。另一个对比性的、充满动力的5/8拍快板主题充满了现代气息。该三重奏以这三个主题为基础,采用了自由变奏和主题对比发展的手法,而且巧妙地把传统作曲技法、现代作曲技法和爵士乐手法相结合,从而打造出一种独特的现代音乐风格。 演奏者:小提琴方恒,单簧管李媛媛,钢琴聂晶 Fantasia on the Tune of Rainy Day Trio for Clarinet, Violin & Piano The work consists of three contrasting themes, two slow ones are folksongs in Guangdong, A Rainy Day prevailed in Hakka area, and Heavy Rain prevailed in Guangzhou. The other theme with 5/8 meter is full of energy and modern tinge. The trio is based on the tree themes and uses devices of free variation and thematic contrast and development, skillfully combining techniques of tradition, modern and jazz so as to forge a unique modern music style.

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