视频:UTCSSA 2009国庆中秋晚会-17.钢琴: 百鸟朝凤
TAGS: UTCSSA,AUSTIN,texas,国庆,中秋晚会
视频介绍: Chinese Students & Scholars Association @ The University of Texas at Austin (UTCSSA) utcssa.net The Grand Pheonix Worship 百鸟朝凤 | Piano 钢琴 By 陈若旭 Ruoxu Chen 百鸟朝凤原是一首唢呐演奏的民间乐曲,流行于山东,河南,河北等地。它运用了许多模拟 的手法,以热情欢快的旋律与百鸟和鸣之声,表现出想象中群鸟齐鸣朝拜凤凰的热闹场景。 钢琴曲百鸟朝凤对于原曲调来说,是一种全新的创作;钢琴有宽广的音域,节奏能变化自如 ,和声织体丰富多彩,能够创造出更加艺术化 的鸟鸣图。 This piece is transcribed from a Chinese folk song popular in Shandong, Henan, and Hebei provinces. Originally it was played by a traditional Chinese oboe named Suona, which can vividly emulate the birds sound. It employs cheerful melodies and birds-singing imitation to depict a celebratory picture of hundreds of birds worshipping the phoenix, which is a mythical sacred bird and king of the birds kingdom in Chinese legend. The piano arrangement of this folk song is very innovative, because the piano has a very wide range of sonority and a tremendous capacity for rhythmic and harmonic variability, creating an artistic birds-singing picture.
视频介绍: Chinese Students & Scholars Association @ The University of Texas at Austin (UTCSSA) utcssa.net The Grand Pheonix Worship 百鸟朝凤 | Piano 钢琴 By 陈若旭 Ruoxu Chen 百鸟朝凤原是一首唢呐演奏的民间乐曲,流行于山东,河南,河北等地。它运用了许多模拟 的手法,以热情欢快的旋律与百鸟和鸣之声,表现出想象中群鸟齐鸣朝拜凤凰的热闹场景。 钢琴曲百鸟朝凤对于原曲调来说,是一种全新的创作;钢琴有宽广的音域,节奏能变化自如 ,和声织体丰富多彩,能够创造出更加艺术化 的鸟鸣图。 This piece is transcribed from a Chinese folk song popular in Shandong, Henan, and Hebei provinces. Originally it was played by a traditional Chinese oboe named Suona, which can vividly emulate the birds sound. It employs cheerful melodies and birds-singing imitation to depict a celebratory picture of hundreds of birds worshipping the phoenix, which is a mythical sacred bird and king of the birds kingdom in Chinese legend. The piano arrangement of this folk song is very innovative, because the piano has a very wide range of sonority and a tremendous capacity for rhythmic and harmonic variability, creating an artistic birds-singing picture.

关于《UTCSSA 2009国庆中秋晚会-17.钢琴: 百鸟朝凤》的评论 (6)
无心剑xy(467549) 2010-02-25 12:51:17
天使琦琦(467548) 2010-03-20 09:52:41
qiaofenghehe(467547) 2010-04-22 19:10:18
[Yo17欣赏 继续加油 我什么时候能弹那到你这样精彩就好了~~
金泉机械(467546) 2010-07-20 11:02:30
撕想家123(467545) 2010-10-07 23:05:10
tzyangfeng(467544) 2011-02-10 15:20:27