TAGS: 草根乐器牛人
视频介绍: 单簧管,又称黑管或克拉管,在台湾又称为竖笛(英语称Clarinet,意大利语为Clarinetto,西班牙语为Clarinete,法语为Clarinette,德语为Klarinette),有管弦乐队中的“演说家”和木管乐器中的戏剧女高音之称。高音区嘹亮明朗;中音区富于表情,音色纯净,清澈优美;低音区低沉,浑厚而丰满,是木管乐曲家族中应用最广泛的乐器之一。 Clarinet, also known as the clarinet or carat tube, in Taiwan, also known as the Clarinet (English called Clarinet, Italian Clarinetto, Clarinete is Spanish, French Clarinette, German Klarinette), with the orchestra's "speaker" and woodwind instruments in the dramatic soprano known. Clear clear treble zone; expressive Alto District, pure timbre, clear and beautiful; the bass deep, deep and full, is one of the most widely used instruments in the woodwind music family.
视频介绍: 单簧管,又称黑管或克拉管,在台湾又称为竖笛(英语称Clarinet,意大利语为Clarinetto,西班牙语为Clarinete,法语为Clarinette,德语为Klarinette),有管弦乐队中的“演说家”和木管乐器中的戏剧女高音之称。高音区嘹亮明朗;中音区富于表情,音色纯净,清澈优美;低音区低沉,浑厚而丰满,是木管乐曲家族中应用最广泛的乐器之一。 Clarinet, also known as the clarinet or carat tube, in Taiwan, also known as the Clarinet (English called Clarinet, Italian Clarinetto, Clarinete is Spanish, French Clarinette, German Klarinette), with the orchestra's "speaker" and woodwind instruments in the dramatic soprano known. Clear clear treble zone; expressive Alto District, pure timbre, clear and beautiful; the bass deep, deep and full, is one of the most widely used instruments in the woodwind music family.

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