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歌谱:transfor mers the movie(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

Transformers the Movie: Title Track
Origianl by:
Rocked up by: Vince de Cola / Lion

Tabbed (in the losest sence of the word): Steven Francis

Okay this is all I have so far but I also think its the very first attempt at anything from the best sound track ever and as I am rather rubbish at figuring anything out I hope this simply starts some work on the whole sound track. Hopefully at some point that band I am part of will cover this live.

C power chord.
Lots of overdrive and play along with the record.

Any ideas, comments ect mail me at s_francis_uk@hotmail.com
and please some one good out there make this better.

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